Acoustic Charisma
How to motivate, inspire and convince people – at work and in public speaking
My impulse lecture explains the strategies that leading executives employ to win the hearts and minds of their audiences – and how especially women profit from training their acoustic charisma. The way we speak, how we use our voices, is not something that is simply handed down to us and it is important to understand that there are many different ways to boost our acoustic potential.
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Presenting like the professionals
Ten ways to step up your performance both digitally and in real life
My impulse lecture shows how in many respects, your listeners and mine function in much the same way as the cavemen of old – and what that means for your presentation. Ten tips, therefore, to make speaker, charts and contents more powerful and persuasive. Online and Offline.
Saying NO with courage
Why we often feel inhibited – and what to do about it
Life can be very stressful if you’re the kind of person who simply can’t say NO! But why is this NO so often so difficult? Why do we get so hung up about what the consequences might be? Why does your head say NO, while the impulse – our remote control – still manages to squeeze out an ever-so-reluctant: yes? That’s precisely what this lecture is all about. We take a look inside the brain to try and work out how to train ourselves to say NO – diplomatically, but with conviction.